Bonanza Overseas functions as the personnel manager in the selection of candidates along with the representatives of our partner’s from the hiring corporations. Over the past two decades, Bonanza Overseas has acquired valuable functioning knowledge on many specialized fields of the recruitment and placement process. The process in itself has been customized in order to optimize proficiency in the pre-selection, selection, and the despatch process.
The recruitment process may be further subdivided into the following sets of activities:
The pre-selection process involves advertisements in local mass media in order to inform potential applicants about the jobs or contract at hand. In many cases, Bonanza Overseas tends to draw on its pre existing pool of applicants and potentials either from returning contracts abroad or those in a waiting list for a new job. In this effect Bonanza Overseas will also be incorporating an extensive computer data base of all applicants present and future in conjunction with the new directives from the Bangladesh Association of International Recruiting Agencies (B.A.I.R.A) in effect from the 15th of June 2004. Coupled with our own personal data banks which have been maintained since 1986, Bonanza Overseas prides itself on its capacities to provide the right person for the right job. This is mainly due to our extensive experiences in the trade plus the development of our information technology.
The trade testing process is an inherent part of the Selection process. Bonanza Overseas conducts extensive and thorough interviews for all applicants for all the job descriptions. Testing facilities for more complex engineering functions are also available at our office premises, in adherence to the most modern processes and techniques in use at the time. Bonanza Overseas prides itself on the quality of the workforce it supplies and in order to retain the high levels we strictly adhere to, our trade testing process is constantly modified and adapted with the needs and requirements of various professional fields. Bonanza Overseas has dispatched personnel for a multitude of differing professional fields, ranging from catering, cleaning, engineering, medical, healthcare, electro mechanical, ancillary services, mid level administrative staff and assistance, and various other managerial services..
Our Selection process which involves choosing the best of the best from the interviews and tests conducted in the trade testing process, is like all other facets and functions of Bonanza Overseas Ltd., operated using the ideals of total quality management. At Bonanza Overseas, the only thing we refuse to compromise on is quality.
The Selection of the personnel occurs in any one of the following two ways, depending on the criteria of the job description, the previous experience of the applicant, the presence/ absence of a delegation from our partner firm (the hiring firm), and any other specific characteristic of the job at hand:-
i) In the case of returning workers for a company, or for a company with which we have had extensive dealings with in the past, and when there is no delegation present, Bonanza Overseas undertakes the selection interviews itself through a specialized panel of experts in the discipline the job description adheres to. Over time most of our long term partners tend to trust our choices as we ensure that only the best are selected.
ii) The delegation from the hiring firm which will use the facilities in our office premises can also choose to conduct the extensive interviewing and trade testing and make the choice of applicants along with the help of our panel of experts if they so choose. Bonanza Overseas welcomes all delegations from our partner firms and we are experienced in making the selection process as smooth, effective and as efficient as possible.
After the final selection rounds, medical examinations and validation of all necessary documentation, the applicant is finally prepared to travel abroad for his new career. Prior to this we conduct orientation processes at our fully equipped training facilities in order to fully prepare the applicant for the jobs at hand. For these purposes our office personnel also includes various experts in the relevant required fields as well as previous returnees from the companies abroad who have had first hand experience with the jobs and working conditions. The orientation process also involves an extensive question and answer session from the applicants to n any topics of interest or doubt. This helps give the workforce a clear view of their jobs and required activities. This process not only improves their future productivity, but also boosts employee morale. In essence we supply a happier and better prepared work force. This is all in line with Bonanza Overseas adherence to total quality management.
The medical examination for the applicants who have passed the first round of trade testing and/ or interviews is conducted in the best medical facilities in strict adherence to international standards. Bonanza Overseas ensures that each and every personnel deployed to work at our partner firm’s facilities is fit and able.
The validation of official documentation such as passports, visas (including visa queries at the relevant embassies), health certificates, academic qualification certificates, and any other such document is also collected and processed by Bonanza. Moreover necessary permission from Government Agencies and other legal institutions are also collected and endorsed by Bonanza on behalf of such agencies.
Bonanza Overseas also ensures that the travel arrangements are undertaken as smoothly as possible. Like all other aspects of our management, we expect total quality and hence expect zero delays. In order to ensure that the ticketing and travel of the traveling personnel is conducted efficiently, we perform our ticketing activities in house in our very own IATA approved travel agency, Bonanza Travels Ltd., which has been an award winner from various major airlines such as Gulf Air, Emirates, and Saudi Airlines for the past few years running. By vertically integrating the ticketing activities with our recruitment functions of Bonanza Overseas, the deployment or dispatch of our workforce is normally always on the dot.
The process does not stop after dispatch. Through our affiliate offices in the Middle East, namely our branches in Riyadh, KSA, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, we tend to keep in close correspondence with the hiring partner firms and we also have an open invitation to any worker who has landed a contract through Bonanza Overseas to contact us in the case they ever need anything. Bonanza Overseas is not only a business firm, but a social one as well. We believe in the welfare of each of our partner firms as well as every worker we have ever dispatched abroad. Hence we keep our doors and ears perpetually open and alert.
Our recruitment process is perennially being updated and it is very adaptive to the specific needs of our clients. The end result with any variant of the process is as always: - quality.